I have been doing a lot this summer and early fall. I feel busy all the time. I'm not sure that all that I have heaped upon myself i can handle. I really don't mean this to be a sob story, cry for help, or pity me, I'm just trying to sort out my Good, Better, and Bests.
My calling at church is Enrichment leader. In a nutshell, I plan get together, a.k.a, parties, which can uplift and strengthen women. I love my calling and I feel that I have it for the right reasons. In September we did a Secret Sister event, where everyone was expected to do 3 secret acts of kindness for their sister. I really loved the result! It was so nice to see inactive sisters there participating. We all got together and had a bonding night. It was so fun to get to know each of God's daughters in this ward better. Now I am constantly working on the Super Saturday, which is a big project and the women I have chosen to work with are fabulous! They have been there for me 100%. They have helped me and done everything I asked. I love it.
I have also started teaching Yoga classes MWF at our church. I love doing it because I feel better myself, I help others get healthier, and I exercise balance in my own life and meditation, which I think helps me mentally so I don't lose my temper as much. 
Fascinating Womanhood classes. I started reading this book when I was 15 and it has meant so much to me over the years. I decided to teach a study group and I had 8 women sign up. I was so impressed and grateful for the support I had. They have all expressed their appreciation for the book and have had great success stories of strengthening their marriages. I love sharing what I love!I started a health and weight loss challenge. I set my goals really high. I shot for the stars hoping to lose 2lbs per week. I worked really hard and I have learned so much about myself and what kind of self control I have. It has really inspired me and I want to stay consistent with the things that I have learned. You could do it too! I lost a total of 8.5lbs in 8 weeks! so excited about that! I had to work really hard at it and some days it seemed like all I could think about. But that we really just me heaping it on top of myself.
And the SPCA. I love doing this and so far it hasn't been too much work, but there are some things that I have dropped the ball on and I feel bad about that. I feel great to be a part of something to do with the community, and planning parties with someone Else's money, what could be better? I love my role there and things so far have gone smoothly.
I am feeling a change in my stage. Not so young and stuck at home to napping schedules. My kids are getting older and more capable. So is all of this change in stages of life, or is it me taking on more than I can handle? I don't want to neglect the basic things, like my family! Which I have felt I have done these last 2 weeks. So how do I balance it all? I want to feel the peace and harmony in my life that I feel when I look at these pictures.
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